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Curly's Place

Curly's Place Farms is an Equine riding and learning center for children and new riders. Instruction includes basic horse care and handling of the animals to learning how to ride. Curly's Place offers a safe riding arena, a training round pin, a oval track and over 20 acres of to ride on. Kristen, Monet and Josie DesAutels offer their expertise in training for competitive hourly rates ranging from $10 to $20 per hour.

Curly's Place teaches riders how to gain a horse's trust while building the trainee's confidence. With a 100ft x 200ft riding arena that provides a safe and fun area to ride with friends. We also provide 4H level of competition lessons to ready riders for state fair events.

Kristen is LOD/Curly's Place director and you may contact her by phone or email at:
Phone: 937-272-6222
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